Workshop “Initiation to Wine Tasting“ and Cultural Exhibitions Ticket

In brief
  • Language :
    • English
  • Age :
    • Adult

The workshop

Dive into the heart of Burgundy wines with the Ecole des Vins de Bourgogne workshops.
During this initiation workshop, let your senses take you on a multi-sensory journey through the different stages of tasting. First, appreciate the color and the aspect of the wine, then smell it and immerse yourself in its aromatic power. Finally, your palate will be able to guess the multiple sensations that make the reputation of these great wines.


About 40 minutes


Discover 3 appellations through the commented tasting of a Crémant de Bourgogne, a white wine and a red wine of Burgundy.

Who can come?

This workshop is open to everyone, without any prior knowledge of the wine world and Burgundy wines. For safety reasons, children under 18 are not allowed.

The extras

A new tasting experience that invites you to a unique multisensory journey where visual, auditory and gustatory immersions interact.


Because of the 360° projection and the duration of the workshops, we ask you to meet us 5 minutes before the starting time in front of the doors of the Vins de Bourgogne space in order to validate your tickets. Beyond this time, no change of date or refund can be offered.
Check the opening hours for the exhibitions.

This offer includes:

  • 360° Tasting Workshop at the Ecole des vins de Bourgogne.
  • Visit the "À la table des Français" exhibitions: 2 permanent exhibitions ("À table", "En cuisine")
  • Explore the 1204 Interpretation Centre for Architecture and Heritage as well as the Chapel of the Climats and Terroirs and the Sainte-Croix de Jérusalem Chapel.
