Grand atelier du chocolat

In brief
  • Language :
    • French
  • Age :
    • Adult
    • Child/family
  • Info + :
    • From 7 à 10 ans
    • Duration 1h
  • Location :
    • Foyer du pôle culturel
Vanilla, peppers, spices... discover a tasty, spicy and surprising universe. Be curious, taste, take bites here and there and be surprised!

A workshop presented by the artisans Marc and Nirina, from Terres de Vanille.

Duration: 1 hour. 

This offer inludes:

  • A discovery workshop with a professional.
  • Visit the 4 "À la table des Français" exhibitions: 3 permanent exhibitions "À table", "En cuisine", "Climats et terroirs en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté" and the temporary exhibition "La pâtisserie, c'est pas du gâteau!"
  • Explore the 1204 Interpretation Centre for Architecture and Heritage as well as the Sainte-Croix de Jérusalem Chapel.
