Atelier washoku jour de l an japonais

In brief
  • Language :
    • French
  • Age :
    • Adult
    • Child/family
  • Info + :
    • From 12 ans
    • Duration 30 min
  • Location :
    • Foyer du pôle culturel
What is flour? How do you make butter? How does a soft dough become a cake?

From seed to plate, discover the basics of gastronomy and learn to follow the steps of a recipe while having fun with the five senses.

Come taste, touch, smell the ingredients, then mix them, knead them, cook them... to transform them into little shortbread cookies and taste them!

For 9/12 year olds - Duration: 1 hour
If less than two participants have booked, our service can cancel the workshop. We will contact you to arrange a workshop on another date, or refund you.
