Atelier accords vins de Bourgogne et chocolats - École des Vins de Bourgogne

In brief
  • Language :
    • French
  • Age :
    • Adult
  • Info + :
    • From 18 ans
    • Duration 45min à 1h
  • Location :
    • École des vins de Bourgogne

The workshop

1 hour to discover different combinations of Burgundy wines and regional dishes
  • From the nature of the dish to its detailed analysis, search for culinary harmony using the main principles of food and wine pairing
  • Workshop illustrated by the commented tasting of 5 Burgundy wines accompanied by 5 bites of emblematic regional products

The diversity of Burgundy wines allows for  infinite combinations with all the cuisines of the world!

Who can come?

This workshop is open to everyone, without any prior knowledge of the wine world and Burgundy wines.

The extras

  • Discover 5 different Burgundy appellations associated with regional products from the Cité's Gastronomic Village.
  • Dare to start from the wine to choose your pairing!
  • A new tasting experience that invites you to a unique multisensory journey where visual, auditory and gustatory immersions interact.
The workshop lasts, depending on the chosen theme, between 30 and 45 minutes. It is a multisensory and immersive experience including tasting, discussion and a projection.

Because of the 360° projection and the duration of the workshops, we ask you to meet us 5 minutes before the starting time in front of the doors of the Vins de Bourgogne space in order to validate your tickets. The doors are closed 5 minutes after the starting time of the session. Beyond this time, no change of date or refund can be offered.

For safety reasons, children under 18 are not allowed.
